In this page, you will discover how to Clean an Office including how to clean all general Areas, Meeting Rooms, Desks and Reception Areas. First of all, we need to point out that all cleaning processes should follow a top-to-bottom approach. This means we start cleaning from the top then work our way down. You will also not that we train all our cleaners to use different colours for different areas to avoid cross contamination. So, here we go…
Before you start, check all corners, skirting boards, window boards, wall fittings, picture frames, wall clocks and all areas of each room for dust/cobwebs. Check behind all items, furniture and radiators. You will use the duster provided or a vacuum cleaner to remove these dusts and cobwebs. This needs to be done fist to allow for any stains to fall to the ground. Then, use multipurpose sanitiser sprayed on to a clean damp, blue, microfibre cloth. A feather duster will help you to reach the higher areas.

All electrical appliances such as printers, monitors, telephones, computers and shredders should be dusted first then cleaned using only a clean, damp, blue microfibre cloth with only water. Make sure all fingerprints and marks are removed, and no glare is left. Water dispensers, toasters, microwaves and hot drink machines should be cleaned with multipurpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp, blue, microfibre cloth is to remove drink stains.

Using multi-purpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp blue microfibre cloth, wipe down every surface such as door handles, frames, architrave, front and backs of doors, removing fingerprints and marks.

Empty every bin and replace with the appropriately sized bin bag, disposing of all waste in the correct main outside bins for recycling. Where bins only have a small amount of waste and have no liquid contents/chewing gum in them, to cut waste to the environment, tip the contents of the bin into a main white/clear bin bag ready for disposal.
Wipe down all surfaces of the bins if the bin is stained, using multi-purpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp, blue, microfibre cloth. When replacing bin bags, tie the ends the bin bags to ensure a firm fitting and a tidy finish. Wipe down all surfaces of the bins if the bin is stained, using multi-purpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp, blue, microfibre cloth. When replacing bin bags, tie the ends the bin bags to ensure a firm fitting and a tidy finish.

Move easy to remove items such as keyboards, loose paperwork and paper trays. Always put paperwork back in the same place if moved! Wipe all surfaces of the desk such as the tabletop, table sides, table legs, draws, computer arms and base of monitors with multi-purpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp, blue, microfibre cloth. Make sure to remove all marks, mug stains, food stains, dust and fingerprints. Make sure no glare is left. Remember to only use water on a damp cloth on appliances!

Using a duster/vacuum cleaner tool to remove dust from the chair surfaces. Then use multi-purpose sanitiser sprayed onto a damp, blue, microfibre cloth, clean all chairs removing all particles and drink stains and dirty marks from all areas such as back, frame, arms, legs and seat.

When cleaning glass or reflective surfaces, use a clean, damp, microfibre cloth with only water, then polish with a clean dry glass cloth to leave no glare.

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